Від чого походить слово "спасибі" (для вираження подяки)?

  • You probably wanted to ask: "What [words] does the word 'спасибі' come from?" (i.e. about ancestors of the word 'спасибі'). But instead you've asked: "What [words] come from the word 'спасибі'?" (i.e. about descentants of the word 'спасибі'). I.e. you should write: "Від чого походить слово 'спасибі' (для вираження подяки)?".
    – Sasha
    Commented Aug 15, 2018 at 20:02
  • 1
    Да, now corrected.
    – aitía
    Commented Aug 15, 2018 at 20:13
  • 1
    BTW, it's considered more correct/literary to say так (not да) for "yes" (да in meaning "yes" is actually considered Russian). Still de-facto да is also periodically used in colloquial speech (so, you will be understood anyway).
    – Sasha
    Commented Aug 15, 2018 at 20:20
  • 1
    Так, now I understand.
    – aitía
    Commented Aug 15, 2018 at 20:48

1 Answer 1


Both Ukrainian спасибі and Russian спасибо come from спаси Бог, which means "save [you] God" (спаси is an imperative mood for спасати "to save", Бог means "God"). After the centuries of usage these words got merged into single word, which got later shortened.

We also say дякую for expressing gratitude, which is a 1-st person form of the verb дякувати "to thank". I.e. we could say я дякую тобі, which literally means "I thank you", but we usually omit both я "I" (because it's implied when using 1-st person form of a verb) and "you" (because it's implied by context).

For references see:


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