No, a commercial software can't serve an evidence of pronunciation.
Especially, if it is about toponyms, which are usually transliterated, not transcribed (see the difference between the two).
In Standard Ukrainian, «щ»
is pronounced as a consonant cluster, unlike the standard Russian:
In Eastern Ukraine, where many people speak surzhyk sociolect, if it easy to hear the [ɕː]
instead. Assuming the number of speakers, someone may consider it a dialect already.
More phonetic differences are listed here.
And no, «щ»
is not the same thing as «шт»
(however, there is some historic relation). There's even a pair of words to see the difference:
- щука — a pike fish
- штука — a thing
As usual, adding dialectal words/pronunciation may add some emotional flavor to one's speech. It can be a double-edged weapon however, so a language learner should probably strive to keep the Standard language unless they master the language well enough.