Until recently I have had no doubt that the right Ukrainian counterpart for questionnaire
is опитувальник
is widely used under Ukrainian business and legal context.
There are 41 documents with the word опитувальник
used disclosed under the search result at the web of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
E.g. The Resolution of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission on the Regulation on Conducting Financial Monitoring by Stock Market Participants uses опитувальник
for a questionnaire for a client
Other examples of the usage of the word опитувальник
are official translations into Ukrainian of the Recommendation by the Commission 94/390/EC On Taxation of Small and Medium Enterprises and of the Statute of the Group of States on Counterterrorism Efforts etc.
Thus, опитувальник
sounded absolutely natural to my ears.
Nonetheless, a couple of days ago I received a document by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine named запитувальник
Having checked the usage of a new and unknown word with the web of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine I was surprised to find out it was indeed used, although only in one document by the Ministry of Health Protection, namely the Order on the Instruction on Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products (currently non-valid).
But I was even more astonished when I discovered neither of the two mentioned words in the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language :)
Instead, there are two other words with a similar meaning:
ЗАПИТА́ЛЬНИК, а, чол. Зібрання питань на яку-небудь тему або з якої-небудь галузі знань і т. ін.; питальник.
ПИТА́ЛЬНИК, а, чол. Перелік питань з якої-небудь наукової теми, з певної навчальної дисципліни. До серйозних досягнень науки [діалектології], на жаль, поки що не можна віднести того важливого, що стосується укладання відповідних «питальників» (Розвиток науки в УРСР.., 1957, 83).
Moreover, the Dictionary of the Synonyms by Karavansky offers запитальник
and питальник
as synonyms to анкета
Documents search at the VRU's web discloses 35 documents with the word запитальник
and none with питальник
So kindly advise on a dictionary, if any, to "legitimize" опитувальник
and/or запитувальник
not only at the legal level but also at the linguistic one.